One day my daughter Claire mentioned that her ankles were swollen., she made an appointment with our GP. Unfortunately, from tests she was found to have protein into her urine.
She was admitted to Addenbrookes hospital for a biopsy, the biopsy showed she had a condition known as Nephrotic Syndrome which indicated only one of her kidneys were functioning properly, she was told there was a possibility of developing kidney failure.
In 2009 after the birth of her daughter, further tests showed that Claire’s kidneys had deteriorated rapidly and that she would need a transplant or dialysis. As a mother, I offered to donate a kidney to her.
Since the transplant Claire and I have done many challenges, we have reached the peak of Kilimanjaro, climbed Snowdonia, Ben Nevis, and Scafell Pike. We used these experiences to raise funds for Addenbrookes Charitable Trust.
You can live a healthy life with one kidney, Claire and I are proof of that!